Dave Westbury writes:

> EG load the maths_ext and try:
>   PRINT SIN(a)
> where (a) not defined. No excuse for that behaviour regardless.

While we're having this bug-fest, how about (SMSQ/E 2.98 colour 24, QPC2v2)

rep ll: if inkey$(#c; 1) <> "": exit ll

The logic may be all wrong, but hardly a hanging offence when a warning
would have done as well! You may need to run it a few times. It corrupts
memory and eventually crashes SMSQ. Perhaps others can confirm that its
not just a faithfully replicated QDOS bug ;)

I already mentioned the con_0x0 bug some weeks ago. Much more spectacular
that one, although much less "wrong" - in fact entirely the opposite IMHO. I
really hope that this is not "fixed" by throwing an error OR or something.
It is far more useful as it was <2.98, eg to read the pointer position and
such like before opening the real working window.


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