Ian Pizer makes some magical things to make me read
} Hi Malcoln
} Thanks for your reply, but when using disp_colour 3 (start with "QL
} colours" for QPC2) anything tried closes QPC2.
} There is a program in Thierry Godefroy's web site called col.zip. Run in
} "QL colours" it does not work properly but could be interesting if QPC2v2
} worked with High colours.  
} Anyone with other ideas, or  does High colours just not work with SMSQ 2.98
} ?

I do not have any problem running QPC2v2 (updated) in high color mode.
But I usually have a bigger screen area. (my 48 cm display allow
upto 1600x1200, so I think I have Qpc2 set to run about 1024 or 1280...

It may be that your video card does not support 24/32 bits (16 ??) in

Did you tried within a ZinZin windows instead of full screen ?
(BTW, what is your ZinZin screen size/depth ?)

How much memory does your video card have ?

Have you tried : disp_size 512,256,3 ? 
disp_size 640,480,3 ?
disp_size 800,600,3 ?
disp_size 1024,768,3 ?

What about replacing the 3 by a 0 (mode 4 QL colors) ?
Does it works ?

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