On Mon, Dec 24, 2001 at 08:47:21PM +0000, Bill Waugh wrote:
> Al Feng wrote:
> > 
> > Before you try anything drastic, you may want to try the drives in a
> > different PC case ... your power supply may be dodgey and not putting out
> > enough amperage -- a particularly plausible potential hazard with the
> > trim/slim profile cases which have a 150 watt or smaller PS.
> > 
> Thanks Al, I did try a different feed and changed the cable, the drive
> powered up ok it just would not read.
>  I have now formatted the drive -  how does the Q40 do it so fast?

it doesn't do low-level format. Does the drive read ok now? If so
than it was probably just one bad sector or a damaged filesystem.

It might be possible to tell appart HW failure and damaged filesystem
failure by trying direct sector r/w, booting a linux kernel or plugging
the HD into another computer.


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