At 09:51 AM 12/27/2001 +0000, you wrote:

>I run Linux and W98 side by side 24hr on two machines.  Linux needs
>rebooting maybe once every two months, and then only because it is
>clearly getting short of memory.  I bet there is a Linux task I can run
>to help that!

I've seen this problem of Unix slowly running out of free memory on my SGI 
Indy workstation running IRIX 6.2.  After about 3 months, I would be out of 
free memory, even while not having any applications running.  I attributed 
it to a very small memory leak.  When processes were ended, I figured that 
not quite all of the memory was freed and over time this small unfreed 
memory would grow until it took over most memory.  A reboot every three 
months for a workstation is not bad at all.

Tim Swenson

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