Jochen Merz writes:

> Per and myself mailed several times about his problems.
> I am using QMAKE for assembling all my sources, including QD, MENU
> and QSPread - and the link files are rather complex.
> However, I've never tried to assemble SMSQ, so I think we need to
> look forward to Marcels help: he generates SMSQ/Es, as we all know.

No, its not a problem of complexity. I have described the problem(s) to you
in quite some detail after hours of testing, including producing simple test
files which should have told you that there is an issue here. None of your
suggested solutions had any bearing on the problems I described. Id like to
give it a last try:

Two test files and a link file:

    * QMAKE test file 1: ram1_abc_asm
            section code
            xdef abc

    * QMAKE test file 2: ram1_def_asm
            section code
            xref abc
            bsr abc

    * QMAKE test link file: ram1_test_link
    program ram1_test_bin
    input ram1_abc_rel
    input ram1_def_rel

Qmake V4.21, configured identically to my V1.35 (where possible):

    # Linker type = GST/Quanta
    # Assembler control = Errors
    # Linker control = nothing
    # Nowinds = yes
    # Keep warnings = yes
    # Filter warnings ($5A & $59) = yes
    # Name of assembler Thing = qmac
    # Assembler name = win2_asm_qmac
    # GST linker name = win2_asm_qlink
    # Qjump linker name =
    # File extension for Qmake command file =
    # Make-index name =
    # Beep = yes
    # Assembler source file extension = _asm
    # Relocatable object file extension = _rel
    # More than one Qmake = yes

Substitutions etc, as for V1.35. Not relevant for this test, I assume.

Loading the link file into Qmake V4.21 I get:

    Error: ram1_abc_asm not found.

Now, you can bet your bottom euro that that file DOES exist! There is no
explanation as to whats going on, no log file and no other error message.

I tried lots of things, though that is not really my job, like trying
various configurations of the program. Heres an example:

    # Relocatable object file extension = <nothing>

When running the program now I get and empty binary file:


and the following log file (ram1_TEST_BIN_LOG):

    Quanta  V1.01   GST Computer Systems Limited  14:08 Saturday  17/08/02
Page   1

     Command line and control file information

    Command line

     -WITH Ram8_test_link<nul>8970 -PROG ram1_test_bin
          -LIST ram1_test_bin_log -NOSYM  -NOWINDS

    Control file

    input ram1_abc_rel
    input ram1_def_rel

Thats it. You can find further details and other issues mentioned in my
mails to you dated 10/06/98 and 05/06/01. The problem started when I
"upgraded" my version 2.something to version 2.something else or 3.xx, and
has persisted right up to V4.21, and it appears, V4.24 also. V1.35 works ok,
but is missing some desirable features that are also required to assemble

I should very much like to know how many others have experienced the same
problem and whether they ever reported it.

Looking very much forward to some answers.


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