Per Witte wrote:

> Loading the link file into Qmake V4.21 I get:
>     Error: ram1_abc_asm not found.
> Now, you can bet your bottom euro that that file DOES exist! There
> is no explanation as to whats going on, no log file and no other
> error message.

Like Norman, I have duplicated your test case and get the same result.
However, in my case, I also get the message "-XERROR is not a valid
option" which I think is generated by QMac. If I'm right, this means
that ram1_abc_asm is found but never assembled and QMake is actually
telling us that it can't find the file it's trying to make, i.e.

It seems to me that the root of the problem is the command string that
QMake is sending to QMac, which in turn implies that Jochen, Bernt and
Marcel have a version of QMac that understands "-XERROR" while you, me
and Norman do not!

The problem with this theory is that I have QMac 1.01 which, according
to John Gilpin, is still the version that Quanta supply...


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