Phoebus Dokos makes some magical things to make me read
} Well THERE'S GOT TO BE an easier way... ie an easier Interface for PE programs....
} Right now the whole process looks so much like Visual Basic Window Definitions it's 
} even funny. I think the problem lies in trying to make a procedural language 
(SBasic) to 
} work like a oO one.....
} I looked into Jerôme's C68 PE articles and I got SCARED! 

Ok, please, what scared you ?
I'm afraid to have provided too much dense information, did I ?

} Timothy Swenson's article on 
} the same thing made the whole lot look a lot more easier but that didn't change the 
} that the whole process is complicated in itself!

Agreed, there is a lot of control, hence a lot of data to provide, even to make a very 
mundane thing.

} In any way, I was thinking about what Wolfgang said too.
} A QPTR menu designer along the lines of EasyPTR would be great (It would be greater 
} it were free too :-).

May I suggest, for the C68 inclined, a look at the Xmenu library ?
(at least for Pop-up secondaries) it remove most freedom, just concentrating
on the content and the behavior (but you then loose any fancy design).

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