
I wouldn't take the lake of response as a not caring. I for one don't have much time to respond to many of these notes but do read them and keep some for information.

My only reason to not use ProWesS for my project is that there would be too many people with slow systems who might have an issue with speed. Part of a proper desktop is the requirement that it doesn't get in the way. If there is a speed issue, it would detract from many people using it.

However, as you said, ProWesS is a very nicely put together sample of object coding, greatly simplifying many tasks. I would encourage anyone with a medium or faster system to try it out. Especially if they have a lot of window coding to do or can use the font/graphics capability.


On Wednesday, November 27, 2002, at 08:22 PM, François Lanciault wrote:

With ProWesS, the COMPLETE code to write a 'Hello World' program in its own movable window is :

#include "ProWesS_h"

void init()
PWObject window;

PW_LOOSE_TEXT, "Hello World",

I have been telling everyone that ProWesS is much simpler than QPTR/EasyPTR but nobody seems to care...


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