Hi Jerome,

I am happy to hear that you are updating this - I use it extensively for my hi-color sprites for QDT.

Some comments, in addition to those given,

1) I believe that, when redrawing after picking a color, this seems to also be very slow as it does the grids
- perhaps it could be sped up
- could you also do a stand alone color picker that stays open all the time (separate window or a sub-window that can switch)

2) I haven't quite figured out what you use for your color palette choices
- perhaps you could look at it some more to give a wider range of colors (more on the darker end would be nice
. I am redefining my QDT color icon mapping and am using the web standard colors to define 216 of them - this gives a very nice range

3) Marcel mentioned a speed up in the sprite preview draw
- I had serious issues with this and did two things to my icon drawer for QDT that made it literally 'transparent'
. when changing a single pixel, I only change the corresponding pixel in the preview window
. I ended up hand assembly coding the full draw routine - even with 'C' it was terribly slow
. I removed most of the floating point conversions where possible ('C' had a fine time converting back and forth many, many times - at least unoptimized; have no idea how basic does this)
. I used block draws for all pixel and block drawing
. this uses integer arithmetic
. it also avoids the 'translation' done by the pixel drawing and does a direct draw (much faster to draw a dot with the block call than an individual pixel, if you don't need the translation/window resizing built into the pixel drawing)

And thanks for this program, as I said, it has been very useful (even without a manual [sorry, couldn't help myself :) ].


On Monday, February 3, 2003, at 12:51 AM, Jerome Grimbert wrote:

I'm planning to rewrite the sprite editor 'sprted' soon.

So far, the main evolution would be support of the now numerous GD2 sprite modes.

Is there anything else that would be also welcome ?
Anything that you would like to change ? or remove ?

I do not promise to follow all suggestions (especially hard ones and contradicting ones!).

As for traditional wedding in movie, speak now or ...

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