Yes, I did see the websight manual and it did get me started (actually, without it I never would have gotten going). However, I still find myself unsure about how to use a lot of the capabilities. Actual explanations in text would be most helpful.

I suspect that this is the case where the program author understands exactly what he did and it is very obvious (to him) exactly what everything does. But then there are the rest of us :). We are starting with no knowledge of the program and probably less knowledge than that of what the different controls might do with a sprite.

Or perhaps it is just me that is clueless :)

Actually, at Apple where I work, we try to do as much as we can in pictures without text too for instructions in order to reduce the number of languages that must be printed (paper costs - material and shipping and production). It is a very tough thing to do; illustrating concepts without text to explain it. I do applaud the efforts made here with the visual web manual.


On Tuesday, February 4, 2003, at 07:46 AM, Phoebus Dokos wrote:

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 01:23:17 -0800, James Hunkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And thanks for this program, as I said, it has been very useful (even without a manual [sorry, couldn't help myself :) ].
Jérôme has a VERY nice VISUAL manual on his webpage (I forget the address right now) which was VERY helpful to me...

All the best,

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