
Thanks for the response

># First of all, consider these:
># * You have to deinstall sendmail before starting to install qmail.
>this is completely untrue, the docs tell you to KEEP SENDMAIL RUNNING while
>you install qmail

true ! thanks. I installed from an RPM - see Martin's mail.

># If all of the above 2 things scare you, don't use qmail-pop3d...you need to
># use some
># other popdeamon and get it to cooporate with qmail. There's a techy bit ....
># And then you're not really 'running qmail', you're just using some bits of
># the qmail package. Things may get tricky when all the bugs arrive and you
># need to update.
>that is complete BS
>sendmail does NOT have a pop daemon, never has
>POP is COMPLETELY independent of MTA
>use your head

OK..so why call it qmail-pop3d and ship it with the package ?
It looks to me as if the Qmail gods intented me to use the tool
to pop. Sure, use anything else .. be creative ..

Question is: can you sell qmail as a cool tool to a moron like
me who just popped a RedHat CD out of a box ? Because really,
this _is_ the way it's presented, at http://www.qmail.org

A warning is in place. And it's not only : 'use your head'.

>you should install on a test box before you attempt the real thing!
>that is common sense

That would be a nice warning on the qmail homepage !

>dotforward works fine
>fastforward works WONDERFULLY

I'm very happy for you, but if it don't work
here and it does work there...
...what's the use of barfing ?


             "I think, therefor I Mac"


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