> >What I would like to know is what exactly qmail is trying to do. Why is 
> >doing a CNAME lookup in the first place? Why doesn't it just use the
> >designated server in the MX records and be done with it? How does a DNS
> >setup look like that works (the relevant parts)?
>Your MX *is* a CNAME, mail.axon.is.

It did point directly to my mail servers A record, triton.axon.is, but I 
changed it to a CNAME just to see if that would change anything (which it 
apparently didn't).

>On the other hand, it seems that your problem is not with your domain.
>AFAIK, no CNAME lookup of the local domain is needed to send mail. You
>should start by checking your /etc/resolv.conf, it seems that qmail can't
>get any DNS answers. Do you have a local DNS cache? Perhaps you should
>switch to djbdns.

I'm using named 8.2.2 as my primary DNS running on the same machine as the 
mail server.

>As a quick fix, try the following on your /etc/resolv.conf (saving the
>previous contents elsewhere):
>search axon.is
>and restart qmail. If you can then send mail, then you don't have a correct
>local DNS setup.

No, this didn't solve it. Someone said that by putting nameserver 
in resolv.conf fixed his CNAME problem but that didn't help either.

Surely someone must be using named successfully with qmail?
Or is the resolver misconfigured?
My usual resolv.conf file is like this

search axon.is

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