I dont get what your asking.

If your colo provider is allowing you to run dns for your ip
addresses, and you own a domain wehre is the problem.

Simply set A records, and PTR records that match. Viola.


On 2/10/07, Mark Samples <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all -
Long time no speak...

I have a server, I have had to move (re-colocate), it is my own, in
the reason I ask is for my own dns purposes, I seem to believe even
though I may have only a /29 at my
current location, I still want to run my own dns so I can update it as
needed and on my own time frame (I want to skip the need to contact
someone else to do something I can do).  In regards to the dns, it is my
belief, based on what I have encountered running commercial mail servers
and dealing with the customer end and spam
and all, that the reverse is important to reach certain domains, i.e.
multiple PTR records for the same IP.
I got this talking directly to MicroSlug hotmail boys.  Now, I know, to
get mail working, this is not a total requirement, my issue with it, its
basically, I want to develop an overall mail system that can be tweeked to
require minimal physical interaction (in particular, automatic inclusion
of the main philosophies and requirements).

I colocated to a colocation provider that said I would be able to run my
own dns and I actually asked about the reverse delegation, so I could
manage my own without having to get their intervention everytime (I have
done dns and I know this methodology), so, my question, is there other
more widely accepted methodologies
for doing this that has worked for others?  If so I am interested in
hearing about your solutions, as I may have overlooked something in this

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