
I updated my system and now have some problems:
- I switched my compiler from MinGW to MinGW with UCRT
- Updated from Qt 5.15.2 to 6.2.3 - switched from qmake to cmake
- Updated Creator from 6.0 beta2 to whatever yesterday was HEAD on the 7.0 branch - also switched to cmake - Updated LLVM from some 14 DEV to some 15 DEV (quite recent - with your patches to it)

And my problems are:
- Although the clang-format-plugin is loaded (and reported no error to me) in the settings it's the old code style page, no clang-format.
- clangd says: Failed to retrieve clangd version: Unexpected clangd output.
  From my console (doesn't matter if bash or cmd):
  $ clangd --version
clangd version 15.0.0 (https://github.com/HazardyKnusperkeks/llvm-project.git 9d5b44357a0bfd06efa676db94b29182dfc24a42)
  Features: windows
  Platform: x86_64-w64-windows-gnu

I thought I will take a look into it and open the creator project, just to see that: :-1: error: CMake version is unsupported. Please update to version 3.14 (with file-api) or later.
$ cmake --version
cmake version 3.22.2

So what is going on here? What do I need to do? Where can I look?

King regards,
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