Hi there.

What's the current status of jambi 4.6 and it build process?

I am asking because I have a idea to make qtjambi more attractive for java 
developers - for example to mavenize and publish it to some official/custom 
repo. I have made some maven stuff (*1) about qtjambi for my personal use, 
but it should be fine to share my work with other developers.

*1 Our projects are using maven, so I mavenized libs ( for 4 platforms 
[win/lib/32/64] ), I have created maven plugin (*2) and new maven archetype 
for qtjambi

*2 I know that there is juic-maven-plugin, but my idea is to provide all-in 
one plugin which will doesn't need any external stuff ( downloading qtjambi, 
setting path to juic,lupdate and lrelease, ... )

My second question is about lib dir in qtjambi jar. What is compiled in 
libxcom_trolltech_qt_gui.so? I thought that it is only 'wrapper' around 
libQtGui.so, but it is _bigger_ than libQtGui.so.

Thank you.

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