Mr. Reeve was a believer.  No, he wasn't a charismatic believer as others 
felt he should be, but he privately believed.  I believe that he was a good 
Christian in the works he did.  He set the example for others to follow... and 
improve.  I know of no other individual who has produced a greater sum of capital 
resources to the cause than Mr. Reeve.  He provided hope to those who had no 
hope.  He help provide recognition when there was very little.  He kept the 
faith alive within himself.
Let he who can prove that they are better believers, toss the first rock.
He wore his faith... on his heart for those who suffered to make a better 
life thru research. For that.... May he rest in peace.

In a message dated 10/11/04 11:39:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< This is an Unchristian thing to say on the day he died. That is just mean 
spirited. May God forgive you...

  My problem is that I never heard him put his hope in the Lord.  That's 
where you should have been.

  I will not judge whether he is walking . now are not.  I only know that I 
never heard him witness to the glory of God. >>

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