At 09:51 AM 10/14/2004, Mark Felling wrote:
Except, you left out the fact that there are very more limited sources of
adult stem cells, especially to use in such areas as rebuilding the spinal
cord, since the adult body has shut down those types of cells.  The whole
point of the Puripotent stem cells is that they can be used to regrow or
repair any type tissue.

Q: What are pluripotent stem cells?

A: Pluripotent stem cells are also called embryonic stem cells A few days after a fertilized egg divides, the totipotent stem cells form a blastocyst, or a ball of cells. The inner layer of this blastocyst contains pluripotent stem cells, which are capable of developing into any tissue in the body. Pluripotent stem cells cannot, however, become a complete individual.

Q: What is cord blood?

A: Cord blood is the blood remaining in the umbilical cord immediately following the birth of a baby. It contains a rich concentration of stem cells and has other unique biological and therapeutic properties. Cord blood provides an alternative source of stem cells in many situations where bone marrow or peripheral blood is used.

Q: What kind of stem cells are in cord blood?

A: Umbilical cord blood contains neonatal stem cells.
These cells are pluripotent and are capable of differentiating into various cell types; such as hematopoietic cells (blood and immune system-forming cells), mesenchymal cells (muscle, cartilage, bone and fat cells) and neural cells (brain and central nervous system cells). These properties of cord blood stem cells are similar to those shown by embryonic stem cells. However, unlike embryonic stem cells, umbilical cord blood stem cells are abundant, easily collected and are non-controversial.

Residual blood in post-partum umbilical cord and placenta represents a major source of human pluripotent stem cells­the cornerstone of cell therapeutics.
6 Sep 2004
A new pluripotent stem cell isolated from human cord blood

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