For all the MALES.......How did you know you could use comdom caths?? My doc's had me having Caths done every 6 hours or so for the 1st 31/2 years after my injury......after a while I got blockage inside where they had to do surgury 2 times to clear opening for me to continue being Cathed, After that I was told due to this trouble I need to consider supra-pubic -- which I ended up doing.....My Question is, they never ever told me I could use comdom Cath ? Now I always hear how with those you all have few UTI'S . I wonder if Doc's just wanted to do this to make money......cause my Urologist was pushing me for supra-pubic surgury ? Now with my infections He say's well if I have to i'll RE-ROUTE your bladder to the side and give you a side bag?  I told my wife No-Way - Like Lori Stated they may kill me or me or make things worse !

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