I think you are right on Mark.  I joined one a few years ago just because I couldn't believe there was such an interest.  There is and it seems to be very much a pity thing.  All of them aren't brave enough to go out in public but the ones who do and then write about it are treated like gods.  They REALLY hate anyone who is really paralyzed being in their group because we tend to 'judge' them.  The girls will take pictures of themselves usually in short skirts and low tops so the guys get a great show of wheelchairs AND sex.  What a life.  The group I was in had about 1400 members.  My last message got me booted - you can probably guess why.
Dave www.daveoconnell.com c3-inc-1967
In a message dated 7/2/2006 2:32:28 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
We've had this discussion on here before but it's pointless.
These people really get under my skin but hey what can you do?
They also have websites and I've read some of their post before just to see what they were talking about and it seems pity plays a big part because they like to talk about shopping and people trying to help them and them refusing help.
It seems they're so unaccomplished in their own lives and think that people look up to them like they're really being heroic after a terrible accident or something.
Then there are the wierd ones that really want to be paralyzed and ask questions like which is the best and safest way to break your back!
These people could never handle actually being paralyzed in my opinion.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 07/02/06 09:58:55
Subject: [QUAD-L] speaking of fakes
Hey everyone,

I've been aware of the phenomenon of "wheelchair pretenders" for quite some time and haven't seen much discussion about it here on the quad list.  At times, I wonder if everyone here is for real, but have usually let it go.  
What do others think and feel about these people who "need" to be in a  chair or pretend to be amputees.  This site http://www.transabled.org/mos/Frontpage/:states that it is a psychological need much like a person who is born female but their mind their emotions and everything else are programmed to be female - transgendered.  I definitely feel there are some folks that fit the transgendered category, you can't help but admit some boys were meant to be girls and vice versa.  BUT I definitelly don't believe some folks are born able-bodied and they are really supposed to be disabled, to me that's a "mental illness" that can be dealt with by lots of therapy.  In my opinion, these are people who are seeking attention and sympathy, and or they get some sort of sexual satisfaction from pretending to be disabled.  They make me wanna scream "go jump off a cliff or dive in the shallow end of a pool and stop pretending, see how you like it then"  I simply don't get it.

There's even a story of a woman who wanted to have her legs amputated for the hell of it, just to live life as an amputee.  Hell, I say lets just send her to Iraq.

Lets discuss this interesting topic.



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