Sorry if I made it sound like my chair only suffers from the sight of my butt 
coming toward it each morning. It has developed some bad habits that I'm told 
are signs that the Mk5 electrical system is almost toast. It does a cute trick 
now n then, when I recline. It starts sitting back up then stops. It  must be 
restarted several times before it actually returns to a seated position. The 
roho seat in it needs replaced. (not just my butt complaining, Rehab Dr. says 
its junk). 
I think you've done real great getting a chair to last beyond 5 years. They 
weren't meant to last that long. mines on 3rd set of tires, 4th set of 
batteries. The back has been replaced once and is about to be redesigned and 
replaced again. When it is working right its a great chair to be in. 
did catch on fire once. Those burns are almost healed. 
If all else fails, I have a wicker chair that dates to 1932, but it doesn't 
really steer, it merely helps whoever is pushing it. 
(INHO) I think the money junkeys and mental deriliques running Americas' 
healthcare systems have sat on their hands while Der flunkenschtooper has 
dictated the building of invisible jets that are too expensive to risk flying. 
We did need to replace the F-15's fast, although nobody has ever shot one of 
them down. And we needed those aircraft carriers built on the double, (guys 
that get $70 per hour worked Sundays). The Navy is worried how to man ships 
with all the air craft carriers. Retirering Admiral's comment off the record: 
The USS William Jefferson Clinton won't be fully manned and capable of 
operations untill its reactors are beginning to fail. Don't even ask what 
marines think of there ultimate weapon the congress forced them to have, 
"V-22". A copy of a helicopter built by soviets back in early 60's but Russians 
only thought it was entirely stupid to build a plane/helicopter that is not a 
good airplane or a good helicopter. So far, the V-22 has
 killed more marines than Saddam Housien did.
You can believe what you like, but when they are thinking up ways to screw over 
disabled folks, they are about to rip off disabled vets, too 

Best Wishes,

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2007 4:01:32 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] to all in wheelchairs

It has been a good chair but it is 4.5 years old with my butt in it almost 
everyday between 8 to 14 hours. A few signs of wear are becoming evident. I 
figure I'll get my new back replacement and batteries then get them started on 
a replacement.
This is why (IMHO) that federal and state waivers are sooo burnt out. Many 
people just seem to want another something (after it's in good shape) just 
becuase. Spend, spend, spend.
After 11 years in my only chair, I've decided to get another one due to wear 
and motor performance and all I'm getting is one big runaround.

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