Are you saying that you have a suprapubic catheter now or are  you asking if 
that will help?
I have trouble with a lot of UTIs also.  My urologist  does not suggest a 
suprapubic catheter.  He said it would not make a  difference as far as UTIs go.
I have had a couple of pic lines.  The first I got while  in ICU, so I don't 
remember the ease of getting it, but the second one I got in  the hospital 
prior to surgery.  It was one of the most horrifying and  painful experiences I 
have had while in a hospital!  It was clearly the  technicians error, because 
after many failed tries, I told him that I could no  longer stand the pain, and 
I did not want the pic line.  He screwed the one  arm up so bad, he wanted to 
start on the other arm.  I told him he had one  try, and that was it.  He got 
it on the first try.  My other arm was  so full of holes and eventually 
became very hard and set up a blood clot, for  which I had to be treated.
I am sure you will have much better luck than I did.  I  think Murphy should 
be my middle name.  If something bad can happen to me,  it will.  


C4-incomplete, quadriplegic since July 2005
due to Transverse  Myelitis

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