Hi Naomi,

I also suffer from severe chronic pain (nerve pain from my spinal cord injury) 
and have a baclofen pump I got 2 years ago for the purpose of adding pain 
medication to it.  I was hoping the baclofen might help and then also adding 
some type of pain medication.  I have been dealing with this severe nerve pain 
(hot/cold burning with needles from my chest down to my feet) for over 14 
years.  I have tried everything for pain relief, from Neurontin, Lyrica, to 
OxyContin and Methadone.  Nothing helped or I should say nothing lasted for 
very long if they did help.  I had some relief a couple of years after my 
injury when the nerve pain started with Neurontin, Elavil, and Pamelor, but 
they all wore off after taking each one (separately) after 1-1 1/2 years and 
then my pain just kept intensifying to where nothing helped at all.  I even 
tried Neurontin again and then tried Lyrica, Cymbalta, and many others in the 
same category for nerve pain and none of them did anything.  The narcotics only 
made my head dopey and very tired all the time to where I could barely 
function.  And I was still in pain anyway.  So I went with the baclofen pump as 
a last resort.  I tried an anesthesia type medication in the pump and 
unfortunately that did not help either.  Now I'm finally waiting to try a 
fairly new pain medication that only goes in the pump called Prialt.  I waited 
a good year to make my decision because it takes a long time to get it to a 
therapeutic dosage because the pain doctor's start the dosage extremely low to 
prevent side effects.  So in other words, it could take up to six months to 
know if it is helping the pain.  But I finally decided to go for it and am 
waiting to start on it through the pain management clinic I go to.  So anyway, 
to give you a long answer to your question... yes you can add pain medication 
to the pump.  Ask your pain doctor about it or the doctor maintaining your 
baclofen pump if it's not the same doctor.  And like Stacy mentioned in her 
post, staying busy and distracted as best I can from the pain is what has kept 
me sane all these years with this god-awful pain.  :-)

Good luck!
C4-5, incomplete, 14 1/2 years post
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; quad-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 2:52 PM
  Subject: Re: FW: [QUAD-L] neurontin


  I have a Baclofen pump, which is surgically implanted.  Have you ever heard 
of anyone receiving pain medication through their Baclofen pump? 

  C4-incomplete, quadriplegic since July 2005
  due to Transverse Myelitis

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