Guilty anyway Eric!  LOL

On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 4:48 PM, Eric W Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  excuse me "I am talking about digital stimulation = sodomy to one
> degree."
> Eric W Rudd
>  ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Lori Michaelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> *To:*
>   *Sent:* Saturday, July 26, 2008 6:43 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [QUAD-L] Court: disability laws protect those unable to
> have sex
>  Precisely W.
> Several years ago my husband and I began talking about how our government
> has its nose into EVERY SINGLE THING regarding a person's life.
> When trying to describe this to other people they will automatically
> think... 'Well, perhaps but they still have not gotten into person's
> bedrooms and what privately goes on the there'.  Wrong on many levels.  But
> for one... what many of us need is 'considered' illegal in most states.  I
> am talking about digital stimulation = sodomy to one degree.
> Then someone may try to defend that because "it is necessary or required by
> a nurse, etc. etc. etc."  But, again, who is to decide what exactly is this
> term or that term when it comes to the law.
> *Ziek Heil*!, *Ziek Heil*!, *Ziek Heil*!, *Ziek Heil*!, *Ziek Heil*!, *Ziek
> Heil*!, *Ziek Heil*!, *Ziek Heil* !!!!
> Lori Michaelson
> Age - 43
> C4/5 complete quad, nearly 29 years post
> Tucson, AZ
> On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 11:25 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  By the way.... what is a disabled person?  Who makes that judgement?
>> What is a person with a disability and who makes that judgement?
>> Do doctors make the judgement?  Does CMS make that call?  Does the license
>> bureau declare by issuing special license plates and placards?  Who is a
>> single source responsible for passing judgement and making that call?
>> Certainly, not me.
>> W
>>  In a message dated 7/26/2008 12:29:58 P.M. Central Daylight Time,
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>>  I knew this would happen. now any company that hires a fridged secretary
>> can say they hire handicapped people. Don't forget to give them a parking
>> permitt so their genitals don't fall off in the parking lot. When I started
>> seeing fat people being listed as handicapped I knew this crap was on the
>> way. As soon as anyone at work mentons her handicap shes back in court for
>> sexual harrassment. Our legal system has turned stupidity into an artform.
>> Our schools have made it mandatory, and our politicians are the poster
>> children. Next year all ugly people will be called handicapped. I'll be
>> double dipping.
>> john
>> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Eric W Rudd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To:
>> Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2008 11:38:34 AM
>> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Court: disability laws protect those unable to have
>> sex
>> see if this works
>> Eric W Rudd
>> Court: disability laws protect those unable to have sex
>> Mcclatchy-tribune
>> WASHINGTON — A South Carolina breast-cancer survivor has beaten the State
>> Department and
>> convinced judges in Washington that the inability to have sex is a
>> disability protected under federal
>> anti-discrimination laws.
>> The new appellate-court ruling gives Piedmont, S.C., resident Kathy E.
>> Adams another potential shot
>> at serving overseas. More broadly, the ruling cracks open the courtroom
>> door for additional legal
>> challenges by those who are sexually incapacitated.
>> "I think it's a major victory for former cancer patients, and for anyone
>> who has had their sex life disrupted," Adams' attorney, David H.
>> Shapiro, said Tuesday.
>> Adams wants to compel the State Department to hire her as a foreign
>> service officer and provide back pay. She'll now go before a jury and
>> trial judge, unless the State Department relents first.
>> In its 2-1 decision, issued Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
>> District of Columbia Circuit ruled that Adams has a case against the State
>> Department. Most significantly, the D.C. circuit court ruled for its first
>> time that laws that protect people with disabilities from discrimination
>> cover "sexual relations." The ruling overturns a trial judge who'd
>> dismissed Adams' case.
>> "At the risk of stating the obvious, sex is unquestionably a significant
>> human activity, one our species has been engaging in at least since the
>> biblical injunction to 'be fruitful and multiply,' " appellate Judge David
>> Tatel wrote.
>> Tatel concluded that sex is the kind of "major life activity" that
>> Congress considered when it passed the Rehabilitation Act in 1973. The law,
>> like the better-known Americans with Disabilities Act, prohibits
>> discrimination against people with disabilities.
>> Lawmakers defined a disability as an impairment that "substantially
>> limits" a major life activity. Courts still struggle to explain what that
>> means. Last week, for instance, the D.C. appellate court determined that
>> "sleeping" is a protected major life activity.
>> Walking, seeing and hearing, among many other activities, likewise have
>> been identified as "major."
>> The new ruling comes from what's sometimes called the nation's
>> second-highest court, meaning that many lawyers will be parsing its words.
>> "As a basic physiological act practiced regularly by a vast portion of the
>> population, a cornerstone of family and marital life, a conduit to
>> emotional and spiritual fulfillment, and a crucial element in intimate
>> relationships, sex easily qualifies as a major life activity," Tatel wrote.
>> A State Department spokeswoman said the department was still reviewing the
>> decision.
>> Adams couldn't be reached for comment Tuesday.
>> The Russian-speaking Adams aced the State Department's Foreign Service
>> written and oral exams in 2002, ranking seventh out of 200
>> candidates. Living about 15 miles south of Greenville, she was in line to
>> start training in January 2004.
>> Before her training started, doctors diagnosed her with breast cancer. She
>> underwent surgery, but the State Department subsequently denied her entry
>> into the Foreign Service.
>> "The department could not guarantee (her) access to the required medical
>> follow-up and surveillance at all overseas assignments," a State
>> Department nurse testified.
>> State Department officials added, and the dissenting appellate judge
>> agreed, that the department didn't know about Adams' sexual disability
>> when it declined to hire her. The court majority, however, reasoned that
>> "it makes no difference whether an employer has precise knowledge
>> of an employee's substantial limitation" so long as the employer knows
>> about the impairment.
>> In this case, the State Department knew about Adams' breast cancer but
>> didn't know how the cancer treatments impaired her sex life.
>> Adams underwent a mastectomy, had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed,
>> gained weight and felt her libido wither.
>> "I now find that the prospect of dating and developing an intimate
>> relationship is just too painful and frightening," Adams, who is single,
>> stated in a declaration.
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>> .
> --
> Lori
> C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
> Tucson, AZ

C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ

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