My shoulder is getting worse, more frequent. It feels like an ice-pick jammed under my shoulder blade. The pain comes and goes. Might be gone a week, might last a week. Might be gone a day, a month, then last a day or month. It's a lot more often now. My pain meds don't even dull it. Though I can't feel most of my arm, it feels like its shooting pain down my arm, but also like a numbness down my arm. Like I banged my elbow. I can deal with that part. It's the feeling of an ice pick jammed in there that really hurts.
I've had Xrays, CatScan, MRI, Electric Stimulation, Pinched Nerve Tests, seen docs, neurologist surgeon.  NothingÂ… Can't find a thing. It all started with a mole. It felt like a sliver in y back when it touched something. So they removed it. Then the same feeling came back later even though nothing is there. No mark, red spot. It's just getting worse. I'd cut my arm off it I thought it would help. Cortisone shots help the first few times, but the last one did nothing.
$@!*# Greg

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