On Friday, October 14, 2016 at 6:16:16 PM UTC-4, raah...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Thursday, October 13, 2016 at 2:36:30 PM UTC-4, Andrew David Wong wrote:
> > Hash: SHA512
> > 
> > On 2016-10-13 03:45, Robert Mittendorf wrote:
> > > Am 10/13/2016 um 04:50 AM schrieb raahe...@gmail.com:
> > >>
> > >> feature.  I use to make menu shortcuts to launch programs in dispvms 
> > >> inheriting firewall rules.  But xfce only lets you edit already existing 
> > >> rules,  not create new ones :(   editing a config file is a little too 
> > >> much effort for me lol.
> > >>
> > > You can edit the rules in Xfce-Dom0 via the Qubes VM Manager?!
> > > 
> > > How can this "feature" be disabled? I want to start a normal DispVM, not 
> > > a "special" DispVM.....
> > > 
> > > Use Case: Mail VM is only allowed to access Mail-Server. I want to start 
> > > a Browser in DispVM for urls in Mails.
> > > This works fine, but those "special" DispVMs have the same limitations. I 
> > > want just a normal DispVM like the one started via Dom0. The only way to 
> > > achieve this afaik is to let the special DispVM connect to NetVM, so no 
> > > ProxyVM is used. But this means that the DispVM has access to the 
> > > intranet.....
> > > 
> > 
> > This is precisely the use case I described in issue #1296, which I linked 
> > in my previous message:
> > 
> > https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1296
> > 
> > - -- 
> > Andrew David Wong (Axon)
> > Community Manager, Qubes OS
> > https://www.qubes-os.org
> > 
> > iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJX/9QlAAoJENtN07w5UDAweRkP/0uhxA8ARtTJuYuroi0znFNb
> > gXb/LRC0rCy9F1TdiwXAhj7kHMSx+HObeXCqTGFlvCYl6sJGkTW0GWulN2M6XtCj
> > KLHQ+vS6YpMTB4EYrDu2QBVlMuFoZoNuj+O/XVcup3aK1MUvpeJJwX6VzCc/X2Y4
> > NHYthK8PtbPZ8WHEdsdAYWBrKWw14ewtaQY9bIsx4SBjf/iq0sr/vGeWOR6Trok1
> > pfqfWI9zKib4WTjwv+tQth5G3khM+W9vfmLJfkwuO6bIGO2B59gKSwwh/DCcTH0q
> > jPUgGv7dn4Ypobh15YKxynvilYMNXBLoN5nst/3ZWh2tGMwsJ9Qicc7LRg5lUpWq
> > Gm+V27OEmwf40G3ejFKXr937Jc3j+GjiBAMN3hhTbfb9FkMjTS5HJqVl0rpTOX7V
> > p6YW+JfdtiRGEPhiCY/24ld0p//TIyL72Ry5mT4naSP2mJyViFt3cZr91Uvcr4/p
> > 5BltNOzPvpGvlR+S1CM8Kn3LcV9GZb1uKdHBGRfAVA0Y6Ikh8t8N/i1h28e0gSdr
> > 02Wf9tssdixLIJL5kNQDew36kwqcW79c28qJTsfv60EM+nYHFfhrPSoZyyzrT4ty
> > Jv8Ojecj2huxgn9KS0ln
> > =uR2N
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> couldn't you just use a normal dispvm then?  meaning why even launch anything 
> from within an appvm?  Just run it from dom0, like the default firefox dispvm 
> menu item.

only reason i'd launch a program in a dispvm from within an appvm,  is to 
inherit its firewall rules. 

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