On 04/04/2017 12:36 PM, Steve Coleman wrote:

On 04/04/2017 10:29 AM, taii...@gmx.com wrote:

Opal is proprietary garbage,

Actually its an open standard, not controlled by any government or corporation. One link I provided was to the standard which gets down to the data structure byte memory layout and data interchange requirements.
Open standards are arbitrary and they mean nothing, the actual implementation is what matters.
How many drive firmwares are open source? (zero)

I could write up a secure system standard in 5 minutes, it takes no effort and it isn't special.

and proprietary crypto schemes are almost always terrible.

They use standard encryption algorithms that have to pass very strict compliance tests before a product is certified. The OEM implementation inside the drive might be "terrible" but the algorithms will be correct or it won't pass regression test certification.
As I sad just because it uses "AES" or whatever doesn't mean it is secure, using standard algorithms doesn't equal security as the implementation is always terrible (and if it isn't terrible there is no way to tell as you don't have the source) Crypto exploits are not algorithm hacks they're framework exploits 99% of the time. I guarantee those "opal" drives already have exploits for them floating around the darknet.

(there is also no real way to check that it is actually
working and still working).

Difficult, yes, but not impossible. One link I provided was NIST tearing one apart for deep inspection of the implementation. Governments do this all the time. Granted you may not want to go to that extreme, but other people do. Its just that those deep dives generally don't get published.
That is impossible, you can't know for sure without the source.
You could pay millions for reverse engineering and still not know for sure, and of course you would have to pay again every time they release a new drive or firmware update both of which are a dime a dozen.

On the other hand, one should be able to read the firmware off the drive and then decode it with IDA Pro to see exactly what the drive does, if you are that interested. I take it your not that motivated to prove its not garbage. I get that. I happen to have an natural curiosity in that way.

TXT is intel marketing,

I plead no contest there. It is however better than doing nothing. Each technology generally raises the bar a few notches. I would not bet my life on any one technology. The best solution comes from using the strengths of each technology to make up for the weaknesses of the others. Understanding how to layer the strengths is the key to a secure system. '
Again TXT is simply convenience, and it is pointless as to have it you require a closed source BIOS - and every TXT laptop also has ME. there is no "raising the bar" with anything that intel makes. TXT is intel's marketing name for DRTM, intel's TPM's don't have user configurable CRTM anyway so the security is questionable.

Serious question: Ok, I am curious, if all these technologies you mentioned are "garbage", then what do you see as the technological solution to securing your own systems? Do you have one technology in mind that someone could not find a way to hack through?

thanks in advance for your response,

Uhh you buy a libre native init blob free[1] coreboot system[2], flash the onboard flash chip with signing keys grub2 loader that loads your own signed kernels and then you enable write-lock on the chip so that it cannot be flashed internally.

Problem solved.

What do you need all this security for anyway? (I see .edu maybe you are a comp-sci student/enthusiast?)

[1] Most "coreboot" systems these days (ex: purism) are not open source, with them coreboot is simply a wrapper layer that performs not hardware init everything is done by binary blobs. [2] There are currently three systems that fit this category which are available brand new right now.

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