On Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 12:31:39 PM UTC-4, Oleg Artemiev wrote:
> On Thursday, June 15, 2017 at 5:43:42 PM UTC+3, Oleg Artemiev wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 14, 2017 at 9:34 AM, Alex <alex....@gmx.com> wrote:
> > > On 06/13/2017 10:00 PM, Oleg Artemiev wrote:
> > >> Has anyone sent the Qubes certified laptop to Russia?
> > >> Are there any delivery or customs issues that Russian citizen should
> > >> be aware of?
> > >>
> > >> How do I check that US vendor hasn't passed implant into device?
> > > It's long been a bad idea in general buying computers that are meant to
> > > have any appreciable level of security and have them shipped by mail
> > > delivery...
> > I've spent some time to defend idea that I'll get qubes certified
> > laptop paid by my organisation.
> > Are there any ideas for anonymouse delivery? I am okay to pay for that.
> >
> > > And you are planning to buy something from the United States of America
> > > (known for the very problem you are asking about),
> > No idea how to get that laptop in any other relatively secure way.
> > It is shipped worldwide but
> >
> > > have it delivered to
> > > the Russian Federation (not a very believable defender of citizen
> > > privacy),
> > Yep. This is my second motherland since USSR has been killed by gorby & 
> > company.
> >
> > > and believe it will arrive safe and secure?
> > The vendor should provide some security check algorithm I guess..
> > I beleave in Qubes. I beleave Qubes team.
> > Could anyone from Qubes team buy such a certified laptop for me and
> > make delilvery using my money?
> > The company I currently work with is okay with any delivery method I choose.
> >
> > The url with paper for qubes certified laptop delivery:
> > https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2015/12/qubes-os-will-ship-pre-installed-on-purisms-security-focused-librem-13-laptop/
> > How can I check for "hardware implant free" state of delivered laptop?
> > I'd reinstall Qubes so software implants are out of this discussion.
> >
> > > Mmmm... I would not try that :/
> > Does anyone know any tor covered anonymous delivery service?
> > The question with tor initiated anonymous delivery is reputation.
> > Laptop costs about 2k$.
> >
> > > And I'm sorry, but apart from suspicion I can't really give you any
> > > actual advice :( best of luck for your next laptop
> > I know that there's no laptop store that sells that laptops in Russia.
> > I also know that Qubes QA team should not be bothered by bugreports
> > from non-certified hardware .
> >
> > So better I should buy a laptop from compatible but not certified list?
> >
> > It looks like buying Qubes certified laptop via any well known to me
> > american citizen could be better idea.
> >
> > But laptop would be delivered cross-customs anyway..
> >
> > Is there a US law restriction for delivery of librem13 or librem 15 to
> > Russia ? I guess not or not yet. At least their buying form has
> > Russian Federation in destination country list )
> >
> > https://www.crowdsupply.com/purism/librem-15
> > https://www.crowdsupply.com/purism/librem-13
> >
> > As I guess librem-15 is the same, but not yet certified? The Qubes
> > ceritified list has only librem-13 .
> > Also "Aside from compatibility, we do not believe that it should be
> > considered any safer than other laptops." is inside the notice on
> > qubes web https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/hardware/#qubes-certified-laptops
> > .
> >
> > I'm okay to order delivery of parts and pay someone to build librem-15
> > from delivered parts or just do that myself.
> >
> > Anyway where should I reed vendor instruction on "how to check the
> > delivered laptop for hardware implants"?
> >
> > BTW: I love their claims: https://www.crowdsupply.com/about#user-rights
> >
> > I don't think that my person is that important to merit goverment
> > backdoor from US or Russian Federation.
> > Though since that is just possible I should have exact rules how to
> > check hardware after delivery.
> >
> > --
> > Bye.Olli.
> > gpg --search-keys grey_olli , use key w/ fingerprint below:
> > Key fingerprint = 9901 6808 768C 8B89 544C  9BE0 49F9 5A46 2B98 147E
> > Blog keys (the blog is mostly in Russian): 
> > http://grey-olli.livejournal.com/tag/
> I'm sorry for Russian - no unofficial russian speakers mailing list
> yet (except telegram group),
>  but that is really funny, please google translate this or just ignore:
> [ cut from our company #security chat  ]
> Олег Артемьев
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/qubes-users/k_WPyUAkW_U
> обсуждение параноиков стоит ли покупать в магазине ноутбук с security фичами.
> А вдруг там предусмотрено энэсэй в комплекте с ноутом.
> А вдруг по дороге деливери сервис с карманами полными имплантов ) (edited)
> В студию приглашаются призраки Сноудена и Ассанжа )
> [19:07]
> ладно.. как самый неуловимый и нафик не нужный Джо я переживу h/w
> госзакладку - лишь бы [our company name] приобрела ноут с qubes
> compatible характеристиками по vt-d и vt-x . ; )
> [ end of our company #security chat]

I don't believe anythign is fully certified.

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