On Saturday, December 2, 2017 at 1:02:52 AM UTC-8, Joe Hemmerlein wrote:
> On Friday, December 1, 2017 at 2:01:47 PM UTC-8, Stephan Marwedel wrote:
> > I have installed Qubes 3.2 successfully on my Thinkpad T470p
> >       (20J6CTO1WW). This machine is pretty similar to the T470, except
> >       that is has a quad-core i7 CPU.  It runs perfectly and all Qubes
> >       functionality is available on that machine. The installation,
> >       however, was not an easy task. 
> > 
> >     
> >     
> > 1. Booting: UEFI is not a problem for the Qubes installer, but
> >       you must pay attention on how you created the bootable install
> >       media. Just using dd is not sufficient. I had to use the
> >       livecd-tools from Fedora to create the install media. After
> >       creating the media I had to manually set the partition label to
> >       BOOT using the dosfslabel utility. Otherwise, I was unable to boot
> >       from the media. It was not necessary to fall back to legacy boot
> >       or to mess around with the Grub configuration. 
> > 
> >     
> >     2. Networking: The onboard ethernet  hardware is only supported by a
> >     4.9 kernel or later, but the installer containts a 4.4 kernel. So
> >     you have no network in teh sys-net vm. You have to manually download
> >     the source of the Intel network driver, compile it and install it
> >     using a USB media in the template vm. As soon as you have network
> >     access, upgrade dom0 to using the testing or unstable repository.
> > 
> >     
> > 
> >     3. Graphics: The Kaby Lake Intel graphics works well with a newer
> >     kernel. 
> > 
> >     
> > 
> >     Summary: Prepare the boot media with more care than for older
> >     machines. Compile the ethernet network driver manually to enable
> >     network access after the install. Upgrade to kernel 4.9 in dom0 as
> >     soon as possible to enable graphics and networking support of your
> >     Thinkpad.
> Danke, Stephan, your pointers were very valuable!
> At first, I decided to just borrow an external DVD drive and boot off a DVD 
> burned from the ISO, in UEFI mode. The result however was the same as when 
> booting from my previously-created USB stick: grub boots, but no matter what 
> i select, the screen briefly flashes and takes me back to grub. So.. yeah, 
> the ISO image does not appear to be usable out of the box on some UEFI 
> devices, even when burning it to a DVD.
> Your description of the livecd-tools helped make good progress, but still 
> without ability to boot the installer completely, but they sent me in the 
> right direction. I then found 
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/qubes-users/4VsKdxnKHBk, which 
> described a process very similar to yours (it omits the part about using 
> dosfslabel, but has a part about also updating the xen.cfg file).
> Altogether, this did the trick!
> In condensed form, this is what i did to create a USB install stick that 
> works with UEFI on the T470:
> 1. Use the "livecd-iso-to-disk" utility from fedora livecd-tools to put the 
> ISO image onto an USB stick
> 2. rename the USB stick's partition label to BOOT
> 3. edit the /BOOT/EFI/xen.cfg file on the USB stick's partition to make sure 
> all LABEL=<something> instances are replaced with LABEL=BOOT
> In a bit more detail:
> - booted Fedora 26 live USB stick in UEFI mode
> - installed livecd-tools: sudo dnf install livecd-tools
> - attached a USB stick that contains the Qubes 4 RC3 x86-64 ISO image file
> - verified digests and signatures for ISO image
> - attached another USB stick to the fedora live instance to put the Qubes 
> installer on (/dev/sdd)
> - repartitioned /dev/sdd USB stick with a single (8GB) FAT32 partition and 
> MBR, and marked bootable
> - started imaging: sudo livecd-iso-to-disk 
> /run/media/liveuser/qsrc/Qubes-R4.0-rc3-x86_64.iso /dev/sdd1
> - waited for everything to complete (took quite a while)
> - used dosfslabel to rename the qubes installer USB stick: sudo dosfslabel 
> /dev/sdd1 BOOT
> - manually edited the xen.cfg file on the install stick (located at 
> <moutpoint>/BOOT/EFI): replaced all instances of 
> "LABEL=Qubes-R4.0-rc3-x86_64" with "LABEL=BOOT"
> Success!
> Now one thing that is different is that after installation, the 
> correct/selected keyboard layout (in my case English-Dvorak) isn't active 
> when prompted for the LUKS passphrase; but after entering it in QWERTY, Qubes 
> OS boots and completes configuration. 
> But the primary issue, not being able to boot in UEFI mode, is solved.
> Thanks everyone for your input!
> Cheers,
> -joe

Thanks for the detailed write-up. Based on the steps you've provided, it 
appears that the TPM is present in /sys/class/devices/tpm, but no PCRs are 
present and it's not possible to take ownership of the TPM with 
tpm_takeownership. Did you get further on this, e.g. to setup anti-evil-maid?

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