пятница, 23 февраля 2018 г., 14:07:38 UTC+3 пользователь awokd написал:
> On Fri, February 23, 2018 10:46 am, Daniil .Travnikov wrote:

First of all, thank you very much for your time I am very appreciate that you 
trying to help me.

> If you are using legacy boot for the installer, go to the Troubleshooting
> menu. You might want to first try "Install Qubes R4.0-rc4 in basic
> graphics mode" if you haven't already.
> You can also press TAB on it to edit the startup options directly.

Yes, I tried this basic graphics mode, but nothing new changes. What options I 
have on this Tab command line?

Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/iiounx

> EFI is a bit different, not sure you get a Troubleshooting menu there. If
> not, see
> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/uefi-troubleshooting/#change-installer-kernel-parameters-in-uefi
> for how to edit the configuration directly on the installer.

Like I understand, all this process must be on the system. But I am stuck on 
this process, when I must to mount my usb disk.

Usually when I attach my usb I see him on desktop or in some system folder.
In this guide I see that I must "mount the EFI partition", could you please 
tell me how can I do that in Qubes 3.2?

P.S. When I put 'qvm-block' in terminal I see my usb disk of course, but what 

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