On Mon, May 21, 2018 8:07 am, Thib wrote:
> Finally when I enter ctrl+alt+F2 at the user-password area I can login
> with the dom0 terminal!

Good, that should make the rest much easier. Are you logged in as root
when you do this? (Your prompt should end with a "#"). If so, maybe all
you need to do is reset the user passwd with "passwd user". Then reboot
and try to login. If that works, make sure to backup your VMs.

 So, now my solution is:
> - to launch my VM "archives"
qvm-start archives

> - to attach my external drive "SAMSUNG" to "archives"
qvm-block to list, then qvm-block attach archives sys-usb:#.#
Not sure how to figure out where it's mounted at this point. Anyone have a
suggestion? You need to know to fill in /path/to/backupfileinbackupvm.

> - to backup my VMs into "SAMSUNG" via "archives" with the backup-tool of
> Qubes Manager
qvm-backup -d backup-vm /path/to/backupfileinbackupvm vmname1 vmname2 vmname3

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