I'm a relatively new user, too.  I played with Qubes for a month or so a 
year or two ago, installing it on an external hard drive for a test run.  
It was too slow loading for me.  I got a new laptop and put it on my SSD 
drive a month ago, and it's been working great.

I had the same issue with a second display.  Here's what worked for me with 
an HP laptop. I plugged in the second display, then went up to the menu in 
the left side of the upper panel in the Xfce desktop, clicked on System 
tools -> Display and it was there.  I used that tool to arrange things, and 
it worked fine.  Since then, it's recognized whenever I plug it into the 
hdmi port, and a little requestor comes up asking me how I want to organize 
the displays.  So, for me, at least, I had to do it using the display tool 
once, and then it worked fine.

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