On 2020-03-06 08:59, unman wrote:
On Fri, Mar 06, 2020 at 08:16:20AM -0500, Stumpy wrote:
I shutdown an appvm then tried to start it back up, but now, when i try to
start it up, my monitor goes white (with a very thin outline of the appvm
that i started, and then nothing. I cant kill it, change workspaces, access
menus, nada.

I have tried to open a few things on that appvm but no matter what it seems
to crash whether its FF or xterm etc, all freeze my sys at which point i
have to restart.

How can i recover from this? or at least salvage the data in this appvm?

I am running a fully updated ver of qubes, the appvm is deb10.

I'm assuming you havent allocated crucial device to that qube?

There was a device attached when i shut it down (before the issues started) but now its not showing as attached to anything.

The other appvm didnt have anything attached to it but its started acting the same, that is freezing the system when i start it up.

You can create new, and recover the data:
`ls -l /dev/mapper/qubes_dom0-vm--broken--private` to get name of block
device. (dm-XXX)
`qvm-start new --hddisk dom0:/dev/dm-XXX`

In new: mount,copy data across,umount, shutdown
(optional) delete broken qube.

Thanks, I can try that, but since it seems to be starting in other appvms i am now not sure if this is an appvm thing or a dom0 thing?

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