I am trying to get to the bottom of a problem but I need someone, perhaps more than one someone, to do a small test for me to confirm whether my problem is specific for me to my system or if this is a general issue. I have a problem description and test request which should only take a couple of minutes (1. clone template, 2. sudo dnf install krusader, 3. open file from appVM using Krusader).


I have Krusader installed on a Debian 10/11 machine without any issues, but, if I install Krusader on Fedora 36/37 it does not have any file type associations. Which means whenever I double click, or press enter, on a file it brings up the dialog window where I am supposed to be able to select a program to use for the file type I am opening. This window does not display any programs, which is still ok (but not normal) I can point it to the program in /usr/bin to use, the problem then continues in that Krusader does not save this (yes I do select the checkbox for it to remember).

I have also tried right clicking on a file and selecting Properties, from there I select the Change button next to Open With, but the same happens here, my selection does not stick.

If I launch Krusader from cli I get the following output on the cli window when I double click a file (when the dialog opens where I should select the program to use), “15:08:53.325-warning kf.service.services unknown@0 # KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca database (type= 305 )”.

I am almost certain this is because of a missing dependency but I cannot figure out what dependency it is. Can anyone help with this?


== TO TEST ==

I use the minimal template for all of my configs, but to rule out any underlying issue with the minimal template I suggest using the Fedora 36/37 template. I did the same.

1. Clone template
2. sudo dnf install krusader
3. create appVM based on above template
4. copy a pdf document to the appVM
5. open the pdf from Krusader

Do you also get a dialog window requesting you to select the program to use to open the file and it is empty? Or does your program list include evince? If you type in the location to the program (either just "evince" or /usr/bin/evince") and click to "remember", does it remember or do you get the same empty program list selection window when you open the pdf again?

Finally, do you also see the "warning kf.service.services unknown@0 # KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca database (type= 305 )” when you launch Krusader from cli?

== END TEST ==

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