Qubes wrote:
I am wondering if a Qubes member can have a look at this. I have a
problem with Krusader not working properly on a Fedora appVM. In short,
if I open Krusader from cli and then I open a file in Krusader the file
does not open, instead a dialog window is given in which I must choose
which program to use to open the file. This is an endless loop. Error
messages I see on cli that I think is the problem is,
"warning kf.service.services unknown@0 # KServiceFactory: unexpected
object entry in KSycoca database (type= 305 )"
After some digging I found this
that tells me the KSysoca database is built using "kbuildsycoca5" which
is provided by the already installed package "kf5-kservice".
However, when I manually try and build the database using
"kbuildsysoca5" I get an error,
"[user@fedora-xx ~]$ kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental
kbuildsycoca5 running...
"applications.menu" not found in ("/etc/xdg/menus")"
What does this complaint about "applications.menu" not found in
"/etc/xdg/menus" mean?
If I compare the folder contents of /etc/xdg/menus between Fedora-37 and
Debian-11, the Fedora template has everything the Debian template has
with a few more entries. And neither Fedora nor Debian has
The command completes without errors on Debian-11, and Krusader on
Debian works as expected.
"user@debian-11:~$ kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental
kbuildsycoca5 running...
For anybody else perhaps struggling with Krusader on Fedora, to fix this
really annoying issue is to create a applications.menu ymbolic link from
/etc/xdg/menus/ (in the template).
sudo ln -s /etc/xdg/menus/kf5-applications.menu
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