> As soon as you add evince using the Add button and you
> click on Apply you should see the KSysoca error logged on your terminal
> window.

Yes.  I see

10:24:04.570-warning kf.service.services unknown@0 # KServiceFactory:
unexpected object entry in KSycoca database (type= 305 )
10:24:04.571-warning kf.service.services unknown@0 # KServiceFactory:
unexpected object entry in KSycoca database (type= 305 )
kf.service.services: KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca
database (type= 305 )
kf.service.services: KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca
database (type= 305 )
kf.service.services: KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca
database (type= 305 )
kf.service.services: KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca
database (type= 305 )

> Can you also confirm, when executing "kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental" on
> cli do you also get
> "applications.menu"  not found in  ("/etc/xdg/menus")    ?

When executing build I also get an applications menu not found error, but
also kbuildsycoca5 is not completely silent it tells us it's running...

[user@krusader-fed-37 ~]$ kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental
kbuildsycoca5 running...
"applications.menu"  not found in  ("/etc/xdg/menus")
[user@krusader-fed-37 ~]$ 10:31:20.850-warning kf.service.services unknown@0
# KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca database (type= 305 )
10:31:20.850-warning kf.service.services unknown@0 # KServiceFactory:
unexpected object entry in KSycoca database (type= 305 )
kf.service.services: KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca
database (type= 305 )
kf.service.services: KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca
database (type= 305 )
kf.service.services: KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca
database (type= 305 )
kf.service.services: KServiceFactory: unexpected object entry in KSycoca
database (type= 305 )

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