On Friday, 26 June 2020 10.52.44 WEST Elliott Sales de Andrade wrote:
> glue            1.4.1      1.3.2         - requires new vctrs; do not bump

This process takes time but I think that I am on the right track (to the abyss 
?). :-)

I am now rebuilding packages that need bootstrap and/or from Bioconductor.

An example of how this is done can be seen here:

In this case the bootstrap mode is off to make it on it would be enough to 
change one from

%bcond_with bootstrap


%bcond_without bootstrap

And yes at first sight it looks like the it should be the other way around.

The question is read it as _allow_ to build the file conditionally with/
without bootstrap.

Since most of the packages do not need this I propose to only add this snippet 
where it is really needed and not everywhere as I have hinted initially. Or 
else the spec files becomes noisy unnecessarily.

José Abílio

R-SIG-Fedora mailing list

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