On Fri, 3 Jul 2020 at 19:03, José Abílio Matos <jama...@fc.up.pt> wrote:
> On Monday, 29 June 2020 13.46.02 WEST Iñaki Ucar wrote:
> > But the mass rebuild process is very different, because releng doesn't
> > follow any particular order (they don't need to, because nothing
> > really changed).
> >
> > The question is whether there is any tool to resolve dependencies and
> > generate a list of builds, as I do with the CRAN database, for an
> > arbitrary list of RPMs. That would be perfect. In theory, this should
> > be possible with dnf, but when I tried, I failed (or my script would
> > theoretically work, but it would take ages to complete). I also took a
> > look at releng's repos on Pagure, but I didn't find any tool to do
> > this either.
> >
> > We should bring this to devel, maybe ask Miro and other Python folks
> > who may have The Method(TM), as they are rebuilding stuff on a daily
> > basis.
> I think that I meant the way that the python packages are rebuilt for each new
> python version. I should have said Python mass rebuild.
> I took your work as the basis, together with Tom's help and I used dnf to get
> a list of R packages (assuming that their name starts with R- ). The advantage
> of this approach is that it works for CRAN and Bioconductor.
> $ dnf list available --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=rawhide-source R-* | tail -
> n +3 | awk -e '{print $1};' | sed -e 's/\.src$//' > r-packages.txt
> That gave the list of the (source) packages to rebuild.
> In order to get the list of dependencies I used a similar strategy:
> $ (for p in $(cat r-packages.txt); do echo -n $p, ; dnf -q repoquery --
> disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=rawhide-source --requires $p | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/
> \n/,/g'; done) > r-packages-dependencies.csv
> The resulting file is a csv file with the first column as the package and the
> remaining columns as the dependencies.
> Now the idea was to process this file using a python script to create a direct
> graph of dependencies (using networkx). In the process non R packages are
> removed and some dependencies are cleaned (e.g. -devel packages direct to the
> source package).

Nice! What if we create a group "R" on Pagure and a repo
"fedora-scripts" or something like that?

> The advantage of this is that it allows to identify cycles.
> My only surprise in this process was to find that several packages require R-
> rpm-macros.
> That causes some dependency cycles because R-rpm-macros also requires
> R-rprintf,R-devel,R-knitr,R-stringi,R-testthat.

Are these the packages that require R-rpm-macros or others?

> Since R-rpm-macros is used for Fedora and epel 8 I suggest to remove the
> dependency. Do you agree?

The packages are most probably maintained by Elliott, right? He would
know better why they have this dependency.

Iñaki Úcar

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