Dan Rabosky <dl...@cornell.edu> a écrit :

Howdy -

Does anyone have functional code that allows grafting of phylogenetic
trees? Ideally, I'd like to take two trees X (the recipient)and Y, and:

(1) specify a target terminal or internal node for grafting Y (call
it node Z...)
(2) Drop all descendants of node Z (if it is internal) from tree X

At this stage, I guess you are using drop.tip(): have you tried with the option subtree=TRUE, so that Z becomes a tip? Then you can graft to this new tip...


(3) swap in the root node of tree Y for node Z, and
(4) use this to graft the remainder of Y into X.

Ideally, the graft location could be specified with considerable
precision, changing the length of the branch between the root of Y
and the parent node in X as necessary, but this is not strictly

I am having difficulty getting bind.tree from ape to work for
internal nodes as desired (though it appears to work fine for
grafting to root node and to tips), but haven't looked carefully yet
at why it seems to be failing.


Dan Rabosky
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology &
Fuller Evolutionary Biology Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-2701
DLR32Xcornell.edu (X = @)
ph 607 592 4636
fax 607 255 8088

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