
How many multifurcations are there, with how many branches each? If
the number of potentially resulting trees is too high, it may not be
possible to store all the possible trees in memory.

If your tree is small, you might try allTrees(), which is the only
ready to use function I know of which gives all possible trees, but
only for tree with up to 10 tips.

If you have a tree with more than 10 taxa but one or two small
polytomies, you could remove the polytomies out with extract.clade(),
find all their resolutions with allTrees(), stick their descendant
tips back onto the polytomy with bind.tree() and then stick them back
into the original tree with bind.tree(). It sounds crazy, but I've
written code that sort of does this for my tree, so that I can weigh
polytomy resolution by the fit of the solutions to a model of
preservation potential in the fossil record. It would still require
some programming, though, for you to get what you want.


On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 7:32 AM, Alastair Potts <> wrote:
> Good day all,
> I was wondering if there was any way to get multi2di to return trees with
> all possible combinations when breaking up a polytomy to a dichotomous
> branching tree?
> The reason why I ask is that PAUP is returning non-binary trees from some
> analyses (e.g. a set of most parsimonious trees). The consensus function
> requires binary trees, so I use the multi2di function to force these trees
> to binary trees. However, as not all possible trees are returned, just one
> possibility, I am getting more resolution in my topology that is actually
> present in the PAUP strict consensus tree when I use the consensus function.
> I've looked at the multi2di function thinking I may be able to get it to
> return all trees - but it is a problem beyond my meagre programming skills.
> Any help would be much appreciated!
> Cheers,
> Alastair
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Alastair Potts
> PhD candidate
> Botany Department
> University of Cape Town
> or
> University Private Bag, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa
> or
> PO Box 115, Loxton 6985, South Africa
> Cell: 082 491-7275
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David Bapst
Dept of Geophysical Sciences
University of Chicago
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Chicago, IL 60637

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