Even if all the polytomies are small, if there are many of them, the
number of potential trees may be very large. I don't know the exact

The following, for a phylo object named "tree" should give you a
vector which identifies those nodes that are polytomies (have more
than 2 descendant branches).

polys<-nodes[sapply(nodes,function(x) sum(x==tree$edge[,1]))>2]


On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 7:16 AM, Alastair Potts <> wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thanks for the response. I did not consider the computational difficulties
> primarily because my polytomies are small - usually only involving 3 tips. I
> think your extract.clade() --> allTrees() --> bind.tree() suggestion would
> work well. This is actually for a simulation study where simulated data are
> analysed using parsimony in PAUP, thus I have many trees that might have
> this small polytomy - is there any way to identify nodes that contain
> polytomies? After that, I think I should be able to implement the above
> suggestion fairly easily.
> General comments to all:
> Essentially my problem lies with the consensus function, and although
> David's suggestion would solve the problem, it seems like a very long-winded
> way of doing it.
> Is it not possible to get the consensus() function to accept a tree with a
> polytomy, along with the other trees, and add this to the overall consensus
> tree (which is expected to contain polytomies if there are topological
> differences)?
> Thanks for your time,
> Cheers,
> Alastair
> David Bapst wrote:
>> Alistair-
>> How many multifurcations are there, with how many branches each? If
>> the number of potentially resulting trees is too high, it may not be
>> possible to store all the possible trees in memory.
>> If your tree is small, you might try allTrees(), which is the only
>> ready to use function I know of which gives all possible trees, but
>> only for tree with up to 10 tips.
>> If you have a tree with more than 10 taxa but one or two small
>> polytomies, you could remove the polytomies out with extract.clade(),
>> find all their resolutions with allTrees(), stick their descendant
>> tips back onto the polytomy with bind.tree() and then stick them back
>> into the original tree with bind.tree(). It sounds crazy, but I've
>> written code that sort of does this for my tree, so that I can weigh
>> polytomy resolution by the fit of the solutions to a model of
>> preservation potential in the fossil record. It would still require
>> some programming, though, for you to get what you want.
>> -Dave
>> On Sat, Mar 12, 2011 at 7:32 AM, Alastair Potts <> wrote:
>>> Good day all,
>>> I was wondering if there was any way to get multi2di to return trees with
>>> all possible combinations when breaking up a polytomy to a dichotomous
>>> branching tree?
>>> The reason why I ask is that PAUP is returning non-binary trees from some
>>> analyses (e.g. a set of most parsimonious trees). The consensus function
>>> requires binary trees, so I use the multi2di function to force these
>>> trees
>>> to binary trees. However, as not all possible trees are returned, just
>>> one
>>> possibility, I am getting more resolution in my topology that is actually
>>> present in the PAUP strict consensus tree when I use the consensus
>>> function.
>>> I've looked at the multi2di function thinking I may be able to get it to
>>> return all trees - but it is a problem beyond my meagre programming
>>> skills.
>>> Any help would be much appreciated!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Alastair
>>> --
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Alastair Potts
>>> PhD candidate
>>> Botany Department
>>> University of Cape Town
>>> or
>>> University Private Bag, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa
>>> or
>>> PO Box 115, Loxton 6985, South Africa
>>> Cell: 082 491-7275
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David Bapst
Dept of Geophysical Sciences
University of Chicago
5734 S. Ellis
Chicago, IL 60637

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