
Yes, that works! I apparently confused the sort of model matrix needed
by rTraitDisc with the sort needed by ace.

Here's a full working example, for future posterity:



#make a matrix for a 4 step trait

#simulate data where you have only observed endmembers
trait <- factor(c(rep(0, 5), rep(3, 18)))

rerootingMethod(tree=bird.orders, x=trait)
rerootingMethod(tree=bird.orders, x=trait, model=model)


An interesting thing to note about the above example is that even with
equal rates between sequential states, it infers a higher negative
rate of staying in the missing states, so a better model might be one
in we constrained the rate of staying in a state as the same across
all states. However, that doesn't seem to be possible with
ace/rerootingMethod as the diagonal of the model matrix is ignored,

Brian, yes, corHMM seems like it should be able to do it; I overlooked
that package. diversitree's ML reconstruction functions don't seem to
accept a model matrix, at least based on current documentation.


On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 1:30 PM, Liam J. Revell <> wrote:
> Hi David.
> I think the problem may be that you're specifying the model matrix
> incorrectly. The model matrix is an integer matrix in which each number is a
> different rate type and the diagonal is zeroes.
> So, for instance, for a single-rate ordered model with four states you would
> do:
> model<-matrix(c(0,1,0,0,
>         1,0,1,0,
>         0,1,0,1,
>         0,0,1,0),4,4)
> (with row & column names of your states).
> A symmetric ordered model would be:
> model<-matrix(c(0,1,0,0,
>         1,0,2,0,
>         0,2,0,3,
>         0,0,3,0),4,4) ## I think
> Does this help? In my tests it seems to run fine for phytools.
> All the best, Liam
> Liam J. Revell, Assistant Professor of Biology
> University of Massachusetts Boston
> web:
> email:
> blog:
> On 6/17/2015 3:06 PM, David Bapst wrote:
>> Liam,
>> Ah, I see, rerootingMethod(), unlike ace, will accept a matrix
>> representation of discrete trait values.
>> However, it doesn't appear that one can define a model matrix still?
>> Outside of molecular data, the missing state issue is often for
>> ordered data, hence the need to define a model matrix.
>> ################################
>> library(ape)
>> library(phytools)
>> data(bird.orders)
>> #make a matrix for a 4 step trait
>> model<-matrix(0,4,4)
>> for(i in 1:4){for(j in 1:4){
>>      if(abs(i-j)<2){
>>          model[i,j]<-0.1
>>          }
>>      }}
>> rownames(model)<-colnames(model)<-0:3
>> #simulate data where you have only observed endmembers
>> trait <- factor(c(rep(0, 5), rep(3, 18)))
>> names(trait)<-bird.orders$tip.label
>> trait<-to.matrix(trait,seq=0:3)
>> rerootingMethod(tree=bird.orders, x=trait)
>> #works
>> rerootingMethod(tree=bird.orders, x=trait, model=model)
>> #fails
>> #################
>> Cheers,
>> -Dave
>> On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Liam J. Revell <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi David.
>>> Actually, if I understand correctly, this does work in phytools. I
>>> suspect
>>> it can be set up in phangorn as well - Klaus can probably explain how.
>>> So, if I understand correctly, you want to get marginal ancestral states
>>> for
>>> a character that can assume, say, states "A", "C", "G", & "T", but for
>>> which
>>> you have only observed states "A", "C", & "G" (for instance) in your tip
>>> taxa?
>>> The way to do this in rerootingMethod is as follows:
>>> library(phytools)
>>> ## simulate some data to work with:
>>> tree<-pbtree(n=26,tip.label=letters,scale=1)
>>> Q<-matrix(c(-2,1,1,1,-2,1,1,1,-2),3,3)
>>> rownames(Q)<-colnames(Q)<-c("A","C","G")
>>> x<-sim.history(tree,Q)$states
>>> x ## our data
>>> ## now convert to a matrix representation:
>>> X<-to.matrix(x,seq=c("A","C","G","T"))
>>> ## reconstruct ancestral states
>>> fitER<-rerootingMethod(tree,X,model="ER")
>>> fitER
>>> Note that as we have not observed any evidence that changes to "T" occur
>>> for
>>> this character, if we use a symmetric model instead, we will find that
>>> the
>>> marginal likelihoods at all internal nodes for state "T" are zero. This
>>> is
>>> because the maximum likelihood q[i,"T"] & q["T",i] for all i will be zero
>>> (sensibly). For instance:
>>> fitSYM<-rerootingMethod(tree,X,model="SYM")
>>> fitSYM
>>> Let me know if this is what you had in mind.
>>> rerootingMethod just uses modified code from ace internally to do the
>>> calculations - so if ace does not permit this presently, it could easily
>>> be
>>> modified to allow it. phangorn too must allow this because for many
>>> nucleotide sites we want to reconstruct ancestral states - but we will
>>> have
>>> observed only a subset of the four nucleotides at that site.
>>> All the best, Liam
>>> Liam J. Revell, Assistant Professor of Biology
>>> University of Massachusetts Boston
>>> web:
>>> email:
>>> blog:
>>> On 6/17/2015 1:46 PM, David Bapst wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> (I'm a troublemaker today.)
>>>> Sometimes, in ordered discrete data, there are states we know might
>>>> exist as intermediary between observed states but aren't observed
>>>> themselves. I suppose this is probably common for meristic data. At
>>>> least to me, it seems like it should be possible to reconstruct node
>>>> states in a scenario with 'missing' states in a ML approach by
>>>> defining the corre
>>>> Anyway, in a recent conversation with a friend, he noted that he
>>>> couldn't get the function for ML ancestral reconstruction of discrete
>>>> characters, specifically ace (in ape) or rerootingMethod (in phytools)
>>>> to accept data with missing states. I was a little shocked by this,
>>>> and I didn't believe him in my foolhardiness and investigated myself.
>>>> #################################
>>>> library(ape)
>>>> data(bird.orders)
>>>> #make an ordered matrix for a 4 state trait
>>>> model<-matrix(0,4,4)
>>>> for(i in 1:4){for(j in 1:4){
>>>>       if(abs(i-j)<2){
>>>>           model[i,j]<-0.1
>>>>           }
>>>>       }}
>>>> rownames(model)<-colnames(model)<-0:3
>>>> #simulate data where you have only observed endmembers
>>>> trait <- factor(c(rep(0, 5), rep(3, 18)))
>>>> names(trait)<-bird.orders$tip.label
>>>> ace(trait, bird.orders, type = "discrete")
>>>> #works
>>>> ace(trait, bird.orders, type = "discrete", model=model)
>>>> #fail
>>>> library(phytools)
>>>> rerootingMethod(tree=bird.orders, x=trait)
>>>> #works
>>>> rerootingMethod(tree=bird.orders, x=trait, model=model)
>>>> #fail
>>>> #################################
>>>> (And it doesn't look like ancestral.pml in phangorn accepts model
>>>> matrices.)
>>>> So, are these functions rejecting a model with missing states due to a
>>>> real analytical issue that I'm blithely ignorant of, or is there some
>>>> other function that I've missed that will allow ML reconstruction with
>>>> missing states?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> -Dave

David W. Bapst, PhD
Adjunct Asst. Professor, Geology and Geol. Eng.
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 E. St. Joseph
Rapid City, SD 57701

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