Hi Emmanuel (and list!),

These changes are appreciated, and will make dealing with multiPhylo
objects much easier. I know I certainly have blocks of code where I
need to 'carry' the multiPhylo class tag through every other line; it
always been a bit of a chore. However, two questions from the peanut

1) Does this change result in any change in speed? Have you tested
this? (My guess is no practical computational time change, but I was

2) Will those of us using these particular functions due to a
dependency or importing ape functions for our libraries need to alter
the way we call those particular functions? Have you tested this with

Finally, thank you to you (and the rest of the ape authors) for
continuing to maintain and improve ape.


On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 8:51 AM, Emmanuel Paradis
<emmanuel.para...@ird.fr> wrote:
> Dear all,
> We are planning to introduce a substantial change in ape: several functions
> operating on "phylo" objects will be made generic with methods for "phylo"
> and "multiPhylo" objects. The motivation is to make things simpler when
> working with lists of trees. For instance, for a list of trees TR, testing
> if each tree is rooted can be donc with:
> sapply(TR, is.rooted)
> With the new version, this would be:
> is.rooted(TR)
> which is similar than for a "phylo" object. With functions requiring
> additional arguments, e.g., to root all the trees with the same outgroup,
> the current code is slightly more complicated:
> TRr <- lapply(TR, root, outgroup = "platypus")
> class(TRr) <- class(TR)
> This is because lapply does not propagate the class of its first argument.
> The new code will be as simple as with a "phylo" object:
> TRr <- root(TR, "platypus")
> To summarize the future changes:
> 1/ Functions to become generic with methods for "phylo" and "multiPhylo":
> di2multi
> drop.tip
> is.binary (see below)
> is.rooted
> is.ultrametric
> ladderize
> multi2di
> Nedge
> Nnode
> Ntip
> reorder
> root
> unroot
> 2/ is.binary.tree() will be renamed is.binary() since the name is available
> (an alias with is.binary.tree will be provided for the next release).
> 3/ Functions already with methods for "phylo" and "multiPhylo" in ape
> (nothing to change):
> makeLabel (generic defined in ape)
> plot
> print
> summary
> 4/ The c() methods (currently for "phylo" and "multiPhylo") will be improved
> by implementing the 'recursive' option (currently ignored). This will permit
> to combine several objects of different classes into a single "multiPhylo"
> object (i.e., either a list of trees, or a list of lists depending on the
> value of 'recursive'; see ?c).
> 5/ Functions already with methods for "multiPhylo" (nothing to change):
> str
> unique
> Comments and suggestions are welcome. These changes will be included in the
> next release of ape which will be version 4.0 and is planned this fall. As a
> reminder, the changes already implemented are listed in:
> http://ape-package.ird.fr/NEWS
> Best,
> Emmanuel
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David W. Bapst, PhD
Adjunct Asst. Professor, Geology and Geol. Eng.
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
501 E. St. Joseph
Rapid City, SD 57701


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