Dear Nicolai,

I don’t have branch lengths, just the topology. Is there a way to estimate a 
posteriori the branch-lengths using molecular data for most, but not all 
species? In any way, I was aware of chronos function but I haven’t seen it used 
in the literature and wondered if there was any particular reason for that. 

I will look into O’Meara’s package for the time being,

Thanks to you and to Joseph for the reply,


> On May 17, 2017, at 10:26, Nürk, Nicolai <> 
> wrote:
> Dear Fabio,
> you might also use the chronos function in ape, which demands a data frame 
> with calibrations (if you have information from published trees that could be 
> use to calibrate your tree; cf. email from Joe), and which assumes that you 
> have a phylogenetic tree whose branch lengths are in number of substitution 
> per sites.
> library(ape)
> #make calibration df (interactive: you can click on a node on the tree and 
> specify the min/max age)
> cal <- makeChronosCalib(your.phy, node = "root", age.min = 1, age.max = 
> age.min, interactive = TRUE, soft.bounds = FALSE)
> #calculate the chronogram e.g. using a strict clock model (better check 
> ?chronos)
> phy.ultra <- chronos(your.phy, lambda = 1, model = "correlated", calibration 
> = cal)
> HTH,
> nmn
> ---
> Dr. Nicolai M. Nürk
> Institute of Plant Systematics
> Department of Biology 
> University of Bayreuth
> Universitätsstraße 30
> 95447 Bayreuth
> On 17 May 2017, at 14:26, Joseph W. Brown wrote:
>> Fabio you might have luck with Brian O'Meara's datelife: 
>> <> 
>> < 
>> <>> Essentially it grabs dates from 
>> published trees and applies it to your own.
>> Brian can provide more details. (^_<)〜☆
>> HTH.
>> JWB
>> ________________________________________
>> Joseph W. Brown
>> Post-doctoral Researcher, Smith Laboratory
>> University of Michigan
>> Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
>> Room 2071, Kraus Natural Sciences Building
>> Ann Arbor MI 48109-1079
>> <>
>>> On 17 May, 2017, at 08:12, Fábio Machado <> wrote:
>>> Dear community,
>>> I was wondering if there is any methodology implemented in R to date 
>>> cladograms, either using only the tree topology or using additional 
>>> molecular data. If not, what would be the best solution to obtain a dated 
>>> phylogeny, given that I have only a tree topology to work with.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Fabio Andrade Machado
>>> Becario Postdoctoral - CONICET
>>> Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”
>>> División de Mastozoología, 
>>> Buenos Aires, Av. Ángel Gallardo 470 (C1405DJR)
>>> Argentina
>>> <> ; 
>>> <> 
>>> +55 11 982631029
>>> skype: fabio_a_machado
>>> Lattes: 
>>> <>
>>> Google Scholar: 
>>> <>
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