Dear Kimberly.

I see one error in your script which is that when you populate the list of sets of stochastic map trees you call the object 'simtrees' - but when you try to summarize the results, you attempt to pass an object called 'simtree' (no 's') to the summary method.

A couple of other comments.

(1) The function call list(500) creates a list with one object, the numeric value 500, rather than a list with 500 elements.

(2) In general, it is not necessary to iterate tree by tree over you "multiPhylo" object in the way you have. Instead, the simple call:


will produce a "multiSimmap" object containing nsim x length(trees) stochastic map trees.

(3) Finally, you can call the S3 summary method for the object class "multiSimmap" directly on this single, "multiSimmap" object containing all the stochastic map trees - rather than on each set of nsim trees in turn. If you decide to do that, however, you should keep in mind that trees from a Bayesian posterior sample may differ one from the other in topology. For this I recommend using the argument check.equal OR supplying a reference tree via the argument ref.tree. In the former case, the method first checks if all trees are equal, and if they are not, computes a consensus tree and the posterior probabilities at each node of the consensus topology conditional on that node being present in each sampled tree. If ref.tree is supplied, the method will do the same but using the reference tree instead of a consensus tree. In the case of Bayesian MCMC, the reference tree could be (for instance) the MCC tree. Useful examples may be found be searching for "ref.tree" on my blog.

I hope that this helps you find your error. If it does not, please free to send me your saved workspace & I will try to figure it out.

All the best, Liam

Liam J. Revell
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston
Profesor Asistente, Universidad Católica de la Ssma Concepción

On 10/31/2018 4:49 PM, Kimberly Lynn Foster wrote:
Hello, I am currently trying to run make.simmap in Phytools ver 0.6-60 and 
Geiger ver 2.0.6, I am running the function on a subsample of 500 trees from 
the posterior distribution. I have included the full code, but there error I 
get is found in the last line of code

for (i in 1:500){
   simtrees[[i]]<-make.simmap(CrenuchidTreesLadderized[[i]], habitattrait, 
model="ER", nsim=1000)
   YY[[i]]<- describe.simmap(simtree[[i]], plot=F)

ERROR = Error in UseMethod("isSymmetric") :
   no applicable method for 'isSymmetric' applied to an object of class "c('double', 

Any help would be greatly appreciated, full code below:


habitat<-read.csv("C:/Users/XXX/Dropbox/Crenuchid R Files/Crenuchid R 
Files/Crenuchid_2state_BvsP.csv", row.names=1)
habitat[habitat==0] <- "Pelagic"
habitat[habitat==1] <- "Benthic"
habitat_color <- habitat

habitat_color[habitat=="Benthic"] <- "#6EA0FF"   ### blue
habitat_color[habitat=="Pelagic"] <- "#FFB322" ### Orange

############################# simmap  multiple trees 
  alltrees<"posteriorsamples.tre.trprobs") #reading trees from 
posteior distribution

  wib <- name.check(phy=alltrees[[1]], data=habitat)
  wib ## will show what is in tree not data, data not tree

  # ??name.check
# Now to drop tips
for (i in 1:500){
    prunedpostsamp[[i]]<-drop.tip(alltrees[[i]], wib$tree_not_data)
  wib <- name.check(phy=prunedpostsamp[[1]], data=habitat)
  #Let's ladderize all trees in the distribution with lapply() and plot the 
first tree again
  CrenuchidTreesLadderized <- lapply(prunedpostsamp, ladderize)
plot(CrenuchidTreesLadderized[[1]], cex=0.4) #Plot the first ladderized tree
  #However, does the order of tips in the plot match the order of tiplabels in 
the tree object?  #### NO help? is this the issue ???


names(habitattrait)<- CrenuchidTreesLadderized[[1]]$tip.label

length(habitattrait) ## 54
class(habitattrait) ## character

#Compare tree with data
compare <- treedata(CrenuchidTreesLadderized[[1]], habitattrait, sort=TRUE) #R 
will inform you of any inconsistencies and how they were solved!

####### SIMMAP for multiple trees this can take a while while while ########

for (i in 1:500){
   simtrees[[i]]<-make.simmap(CrenuchidTreesLadderized[[i]], habitattrait, 
model="ER", nsim=1000)
   YY[[i]]<- describe.simmap(simtree[[i]], plot=F)

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