Dear all,

I am writing to seek for any advice with my phylogenetic comparative
analysis in behavioural traits.

I am trying to run an evolutionary model that contains other information
rather than BW, OU or EB. The variables I am using are continuous (time
proportion) and I want to fit them in a model that contains three different
scenarios: island effect, colonization time and sexual size dimorphism

I know I can do this kind of analysis with OUwie package from R, but I am
not so familiar with it, so I am having some issues setting up the
evolutionary model. I am working with eight species (2 from mainland and 6
from island). I am using this information to set up the island effect model
(1=island, 0=mainland), while for the colonization time I am using previous
published information (0=west, 1=east, 2=mainland). For the SSD model, I
plan to use my own morphological data collected from all my fieldwork
seasons (one value per species based on the SVL).

However, I am not sure how to include this information in the model using
OUwie package.

If any of you could help me with this I will really appreciate it.


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