Hi Yan,

----- Le 18 Mai 21, à 23:48, Yan Wong y...@pixie.org.uk a écrit :
> Dear R-Sig-Phylo,
> I’m interested in representations of ancestral recombination graphs (ARGs). 
> From
> my reading of the extended Newick format (G. Cardona et al., 2008), and the
> ape/evonet documentation, it appears as if the R-base representations of
> phylogenetic networks don't have a standard way to specify which pieces of a
> genome pass though which edges in the network.

Correct. The "phylo" and "evonet" classes ignore whether the (optional) vector 
'edge.length' represents time, number of mutations/substitions, accumulated 
variance, ... The only constraint is that it must be numeric.

> As a corollary, there doesn’t
> appear to be any built-in function to enforce the constraint that those edges
> that are valid at any one genomic location form a marginal (or “local”) tree.

That's the logic of the S3 class system: it's up to you to add elements, 
functions, checks, etc, that are relevant to your project/questions. See for 
instance, the tree output by ape::chronos which has the class c("chronos", 
"phylo"). You can find another strategy in phangorn which can fit partioned 
models of molecular evolution: in that case each partition of the genome has 
its own "phylo" tree (the topology can differ among partitions).

> Is my reading of this correct, and are there any R packages which go any way 
> to
> representing marginal trees along a genome in this way?

Not that I aware of.

> I ask partially because we are starting to document simple details of how to 
> run
> our tree-sequence software in R, via the reticulate package
> (https://tskit.dev/tutorials/tskitr.html), and it would be useful to know if 
> we
> could convert our tree sequences (a format which can be thought of as an ARG)
> into a format with a suitable representation in R. We might then be able to
> take advantage of any nice R-based visualisation or analysis packages.

phangorn has other tools to represent/plot networks with its class "networx".



> Cheers
> Yan
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