On 5/25/07, Thomas Lord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Had Scheme been liberalized in the direction
> of FEXPRs and first class environments a few years back, by now,
> there'd be a lot of interesting R&D in on-line incremental compilation
> of Scheme.

That seems extremely unlikely to me. Anything that doesn't at least
have some connection to the typed orthodoxy is already essentially
impossible to get published these days (a recent submission to ICFP on
macros got a 10 out of 10 from one reviewer but was still rejected).

My guess is that what you suggest would have likely made Scheme even
less relevant to the PL research community than it currently is.

For example, a look at the literature suggests that one notable
Schemer might have left for greener pastures had fexprs been in Scheme
for any length of time: http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/wand98theory.html.
(Or maybe he might have just taken up the challenge for the joy of the
hunt .... Mitch?)


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