On Jul 10, 2012, at 4:29 AM, Marijn wrote:
> On 09-07-12 03:57, Paul Schlie wrote:
>> Aaron W. Hsu Scripsit:
>>> If performance is important, then use one of the already useful
>>> and good Scheme implementations out there that produce fast code.
>>> If you do not care about speed, feel free to use a naive 
>>> implementation, but do not expect it to be fast.
>> Sorry, I don't understand; as the issue is about what r7rs should
>> be, isn't it.
> I think the conversation (up to the point you quoted) went something
> like this:
> Will Clinger: The R5RS semantics lead to bad code and performance
> hacks. The R6RS semantics are more efficient in the general case.
> (Thus R7RS should specify the R6RS semantics.)
> John Cowan: Performance hacks are important on slower implementations.
> (Thus R7RS should specify the R5RS semantics.)
> Aaron W. Hsu: If you want speed, use a fast implementation! (Thus R7RS
> should specify the R6RS semantics.)
> Hope that clarifies,

It does thank you; however it's not clear to me that something being 
because it's unspecified, is actually a good thing, or arguably truly fast or 

As then its use becomes non-portable, being it would seem contrary to at least
an important objective of any standard.

As within r6rs, some things seem questionable to me (but am confident that 
more experienced and/or knowledgeable have given them due consideration):

(let ((p (lambda (x) x)))
  (eqv? p p))                            ⇒  unspecified

(eqv? +nan.0 +nan.0)            ⇒ unspecified

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