On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 11:12 PM, 'John Clements' via Racket Users <
racket-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> (cc:ak)
> Okay, this sounds just crushingly obvious now that I say it, but honestly,
> I don’t think it’s occurred to me:
> One reason that equality is such a nightmare in Java and Python (which
> turns out to be JUST AS BAD), is that those of us that actually want to
> write unit test cases want *intensional* equality, not extensional
> equality—but not pointer-based equality.
> I just came across a nice example while working on code for first-year
> students (thanks, Aaron!).
> Specifically, imagine an “array” class that contains a backing array and a
> length, where the backing array might be arbitrarily longer than the length:
> (struct arr (vec len))
> So, for instance, an array with two elements in it might be represented as
> either
> (arr (vector “apple" “horse” #f #f #f) 2)
> or as
> (arr (vector “apple” “horse” #f) 2)
> —they both represent the array of length 2 that has “apple” as the first
> element, and “horse” as the second.
> If I’m providing this library to be used by others, I probably want
> extensional equality; I don’t want users of my library to be able to
> distinguish between the two. However, if I’m writing unit tests for my
> library, I definitely *do* want to be able to distinguish between the two,
> for instance in checking the behavior of arrays that fill up and need to be
> resized. Moreover, pointer-based equality—the == of Java, and the `is` of
> Python (IIUC)—is also largely useless for unit tests.
> It’s probably not terribly controversial to suggest that neither Python
> nor Java were designed with unit testing in mind. Accordingly, I shouldn’t
> be surprised to discover that they don’t provide a natural notion of
> equality that fits well with unit tests.
> So, I have three questions:
> 1) Is there an existing term for what I would call “functional extensional
> equality”—that is, Racket’s ‘equal?’ ?
> 2) Does what I wrote make sense?
> 3) Has this been written down somewhere else, as part of a larger work?
> Thanks, everyone!
> John

I think this relates to the concept of duck typing (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duck_typing) -- if something is fit for
purpose then it is good enough even if it isn't precisely the same.  That's
pretty much what 'equal?' is -- "Are these two things similar enough that I
could interchange them without screwing up my code?"

I'm not aware of any papers on the subject, but I would probably check some
of the unit testing books.

I've seen the argument that unit tests actually show a weakness in a
language, that it's preferable to have declarative semantics.  This is one
place where Racket's contracts really shine.  Suppose I write this:

(define/contract (foo a b)
    (-> string? number? integer?)

There are entire swaths of unit tests I don't need to write, such as "what
happens if I pass an integer in the first slot", etc.  I *know* what
happens -- it throws an exn:fail:contract of a very precisely specified
form.  I haven't looked into Typed Racket yet, but I gather it will deal
with many similar issues.

One thing that I do wish Racket had was better exception handling.  Right
now I can test if an exception is of a particular type (which tells me the
broad class of issue) but if I want to know the specifics I need to regex
on the message string.  This could be significantly helped by using more
precise exception types for various functions.  For example, in the db
module this: (query-db db-handle "jlasdjfl") throws an exn:fail:sql instead
of something like exn:fail:sql:syntax.  I've started creating more and more
specific exception types for my own code as part of this.

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