> On Feb 20, 2017, at 11:06, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <sa...@cs.indiana.edu> wrote:
> I don't think `check-expect` is doing something that's
> module-relative. For example, this program:
> #lang racket
> (require test-engine/racket-tests)
> (struct x (a))
> (check-expect (x 1) (x 1))
> (run-tests)
> (display-results)
> fails its test. `equal?` in Racket checks structural equality in a
> deep way, which is indeed a feature not found in Java and Python, but
> I don't think it's any different than overriding .equals() everywhere
> in Java to perform structural traversal.

I agree; my only point is that those writing unit tests probably want to define 
(or have defined) two separate notions of equality; one for use in tests, and 
one for use by clients. And that testing frameworks should 
accommodate/encourage this.


> Sam
> On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 1:53 PM, 'John Clements' via Racket Users
> <racket-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>> On Feb 19, 2017, at 14:40, Matthias Felleisen <matth...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
>>>> On Feb 18, 2017, at 11:12 PM, 'John Clements' via Racket Users 
>>>> <racket-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>> (cc:ak)
>>>> Okay, this sounds just crushingly obvious now that I say it, but honestly, 
>>>> I don’t think it’s occurred to me:
>>>> One reason that equality is such a nightmare in Java and Python (which 
>>>> turns out to be JUST AS BAD), is that those of us that actually want to 
>>>> write unit test cases want *intensional* equality, not extensional 
>>>> equality—but not pointer-based equality.
>>>> I just came across a nice example while working on code for first-year 
>>>> students (thanks, Aaron!).
>>>> Specifically, imagine an “array” class that contains a backing array and a 
>>>> length, where the backing array might be arbitrarily longer than the 
>>>> length:
>>>> (struct arr (vec len))
>>>> So, for instance, an array with two elements in it might be represented as 
>>>> either
>>>> (arr (vector “apple" “horse” #f #f #f) 2)
>>>> or as
>>>> (arr (vector “apple” “horse” #f) 2)
>>>> —they both represent the array of length 2 that has “apple” as the first 
>>>> element, and “horse” as the second.
>>>> If I’m providing this library to be used by others, I probably want 
>>>> extensional equality; I don’t want users of my library to be able to 
>>>> distinguish between the two. However, if I’m writing unit tests for my 
>>>> library, I definitely *do* want to be able to distinguish between the two, 
>>>> for instance in checking the behavior of arrays that fill up and need to 
>>>> be resized. Moreover, pointer-based equality—the == of Java, and the `is` 
>>>> of Python (IIUC)—is also largely useless for unit tests.
>>>> It’s probably not terribly controversial to suggest that neither Python 
>>>> nor Java were designed with unit testing in mind. Accordingly, I shouldn’t 
>>>> be surprised to discover that they don’t provide a natural notion of 
>>>> equality that fits well with unit tests.
>>>> So, I have three questions:
>>>> 1) Is there an existing term for what I would call “functional extensional 
>>>> equality”—that is, Racket’s ‘equal?’ ?
>>>> 2) Does what I wrote make sense?
>>>> 3) Has this been written down somewhere else, as part of a larger work?
>>> John,
>>> what you point out is that extensional equality depends on the point of 
>>> view. In your specific example, ‘arr’ from inside the module — specifically 
>>> for non-exported functions — equal? must take into account the full vector. 
>>> For a client module, equality is a notion of projection (elimination of 
>>> array fields). In particular, I would expect your module to declare the 
>>> structure opaque so that equal? does not inspect the full array. 
>>> Additionally, I would expect you to export a function called arr-equal? so 
>>> that clients can determine whether two instances are extensionally equal 
>>> from their perspective (which is apparently needed in your context).
>>> If you were in a typed functional world, I’d use a sealed structure for the 
>>> module or at least an existential type so that the outside world cannot 
>>> inspect arr’s vec filed. This shows that equality is a type-dependent 
>>> notion — just as Reynolds said it.
>>> In a typed OO world such as Java, you’d override .equal, which is public 
>>> and thus accessible. But for internal, private comparisons, you’d have to 
>>> step outside of Java’s equality predicate and use a method that inspects 
>>> the full vec field. Here this is relatively easy because you are dealing 
>>> with just two slots.
>>> In any case, I doubt equal? helps you here. Did I misunderstand anything?
>> No, I don’t think you missed anything, but from the standpoint of those 
>> teaching early classes in either Java or Python (a standpoint that I 
>> understand you are generally and mercifully not compelled to adopt), it 
>> seems that there’s a missing piece in unit testing frameworks: namely, the 
>> default check-expect form in these languages should not be one that refers 
>> to the notion of outside-of-module-extensional equality, but rather one that 
>> refers to inside-of-module-extensional equality, as check-expect does. I’d 
>> be tempted to call this notion of equality “testing equality,” but I’ve been 
>> called out before on my barbarous neologisms. (Not sure this one would be 
>> considered barbarous, at any rate.) Additionally, students should probably 
>> not be required to implement this notion of equality by hand. Sounds like a 
>> nice three-page position paper, probably not good enough for ITICSE, maybe 
>> SIGSCE (sigh).
>> John
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